Sae Mickelson Health and Life Coach

What I Do

Over the years, while treating hundreds of patients for almost every health issue, I realized I also often heard:

“I’ve never told anyone this.”

I began to understand the truth that since childhood, I was someone who others opened their hearts to.

As a long time acupuncturist and herbalist I knew that Chinese Medicine is a place where a modern over-stimulated system can find healing regulation and grounding. And I saw that my care of the patients who found me created a space for deep healing. Then, about 5 years ago I began to understand that the healing environment I design for each person makes an opening for my patients to feel the ability to speak their truth.

I realized that I wanted to offer a place where hearts felt safe to open and be heard fully.

So, at the beginning of 2019, I decided to leave a busy Chinese Medical practice and opened my own small clinic where I could spend more time with each person because I could see how deeply so many needed more time to be heard. Life Coaching grew out of knowing that I wanted to treat the whole human, even beyond the holistic medicine I was already practicing. And, as many past patients became coaching clients I heard over and over again:

“I might have thought of you as my Acupuncturist but now I see you have been my Life Coach all along…”

The support I now give as your Health and Life Coach is true full body care.

This level of care can be difficult to imagine or accept, especially for those who feel untrusting or unsure around any sort of health or emotional care. I understand this deeply and have learned to make a sacred space for exactly what is needed for each individual.

This work is my calling.

If you’ve been considering hiring either a health or a life coach, why not have both from someone who has been doing that work for years, helping hundreds of different humans learn how to care for their own individual wellbeing?

  • Maybe you have an auto-immune illness or long covid so you suffer with the physical and emotional challenges your body tries to manage in a culture that never stops.
  • Maybe you have thyroid issues and are struggling to get regulated on or off of meds.
  • Maybe you are so tired that you think you can’t take better care of yourself.
  • Maybe you want someone to finally take care of you.
  • Maybe you realize that the harsh internal self talk you have used to get by is not working well anymore.
  • Maybe you are tired of the “others seem to be able to do it all, what is wrong with me?” type of thinking.
  • Maybe you are feeling anxious and exhausted because your painful or heavy periods rule your life.
  • Maybe you are in peri or menopause and you are having both physical and emotional struggles that leave you feeling anxious or exhausted and frustrated.
  • Maybe you are tired of feeling the “nothing ever works so why bother” energy.
  • Maybe your family or friends don’t understand your new food choices and other lifestyle decisions that are finally working for you and you feel lonely in this change plus misunderstood, sad or angry.
  • Maybe you have lost someone through death or estrangement in your life and the grief feels misunderstood by everyone around you and your body is in pain too.
  • Maybe you are building a business or leveling up in your career and your migraines or anxieties about your migraines are holding you back.
  • Maybe your kids or spouse are going through rough times and you feel drained by holding the emotional weight of the family.
  • Maybe you are tired of the “white-knuckling and still feeling behind” thoughts and beliefs.
  • Maybe you want to get your body ready to have a baby.
  • Maybe you want to recover from birth and parent a young human better with a well cared for self.
  • Maybe you want to look at NOT having a baby and what that means for your life.
  • Maybe you want to care for yourself around perimenopause or menopause with your full system being supported, not just hormonal support.
  • Maybe you have digestive issues and allergies that used to be easy to deal with but now have become a nightmare.
  • Maybe you have noticed that you have bronchitis, sinus or bladder infections many times per year and need another way to heal for good and beyond antibiotics.
  • Maybe you notice you can’t actually relax and enjoy your time off because you feel agitated and overwhelmed.
  • Maybe you feel disconnected from most people because you’ve never trusted that you can be yourself and still be accepted.
  • Maybe you were raised around physical or emotional illness and are either obsessed with health or unable to take care of yourself since you are better at caring for others.
  • Maybe you are taking care of your family more than you could ever imagine taking care of yourself.
  • Maybe you want to know how to nourish yourself so you can stop resenting those you do nourish.
  • Maybe you have big changes in your life and you want to thrive through the transitions, body and soul.
  • Maybe you want to teach your children what it looks like to take great care of yourself.
  • Maybe you want to go into your elder years with your wealth AND health intact.
  • Maybe you want to be listened to so fully that you finally hear yourself.
  • Maybe you would like deep support to look at your habits and internal thinking that make up your life – finally see what is working and not, then why and what will work for you as an individual.
  • Maybe you know that self care is a power move and you want to learn how to step towards your own personal power.